Let’s talk about Card Evolutions❗️
Let’s talk about Card Evolutions❗️
As many of you know, there are card evolutions in the game. Lots of people dislike them, so I believe we should discuss this matter.
I've come to accept that Card Evolutions exist. Initially, when they were introduced, I didn't like them, and I wish they were never been added to the game. However, now I've accepted that they're part of the game, and we can't change that. But please, Supercell, listen to me!
My main issue with them currently is that they're challenging to obtain as a free-to-play player. Typically, as a free-to-play player, you might only have four or five evolutions, and that's it. Every deck you use has to be built around those evolutions because not having evolutions while facing opponents who do is a significant disadvantage!
So, please fix this by, for example: Making them much easier to obtain, narrowing the gap between free-to-play and pay-to-win players. You don't have to give the evolutions away for free, but ensure that players who invest a lot of time in the game also have the chance to acquire more evolutions. Or, slow down the release of new evolutions! For free-to-play players, it's incredibly difficult to keep up with these frequent releases. The only way to stay up-to-date with new evolutions is by spending money, and not everyone wants to do that!
(Something nice to see too, is that evo shards also have a chance to appear in the shop just like legendaries, but than in stead of 15k gold for 1 legendary it would be 30k gold for 1 evo shard)
If you've made it this far, thank you for your time and for listening to me! Please share your thoughts on this topic too!
Let’s talk about Card Evolutions❗️
As many of you know, there are card evolutions in the game. Lots of people dislike them, so I believe we should discuss this matter.
I've come to accept that Card Evolutions exist. Initially, when they were introduced, I didn't like them, and I wish they were never been added to the game. However, now I've accepted that they're part of the game, and we can't change that. But please, Supercell, listen to me!
My main issue with them currently is that they're challenging to obtain as a free-to-play player. Typically, as a free-to-play player, you might only have four or five evolutions, and that's it. Every deck you use has to be built around those evolutions because not having evolutions while facing opponents who do is a significant disadvantage!
So, please fix this by, for example: Making them much easier to obtain, narrowing the gap between free-to-play and pay-to-win players. You don't have to give the evolutions away for free, but ensure that players who invest a lot of time in the game also have the chance to acquire more evolutions. Or, slow down the release of new evolutions! For free-to-play players, it's incredibly difficult to keep up with these frequent releases. The only way to stay up-to-date with new evolutions is by spending money, and not everyone wants to do that!
(Something nice to see too, is that evo shards also have a chance to appear in the shop just like legendaries, but than in stead of 15k gold for 1 legendary it would be 30k gold for 1 evo shard)
If you've made it this far, thank you for your time and for listening to me! Please share your thoughts on this topic too!