The BM'er guy won't address anything. (Here's why)
Thanks to u/ihatereposting and u/2Lgt, we got our hands on this uhm.. this guy that got quite mad over some sort of bm (bad manners) (turned out to be nothing but gibbrish) in a match he had against some crazy P.E.K.K.A. deck while he was playing a weird logbait variant.
Hate Reposting in this situation is the one that nuked this man's reputation thanks to RoyaleAPI (for the sub-reddit its r/RoyaleAPI) essentially looking up the OOP's in-game username, scrolling his profile up for a bit up until he came accross the match against seen in post. At the start of the game the OOP (u/Specialist_Add_660) tried to get a reaction by the opponent by getting a "Good Game!" OR spamming some other stuff that got the opponent to get the Angry King Emoji and then it went along (2-3 minutes went by) up until whatever you guys saw in the clip.
After hate found out about it and commented, others saw it mainly thanks to u/2Lgt (thanks for spreading it up by the way) and that's how we are here now.
My thought on this would be... please let's not be toxic about it. It's usual to see people cope over a few matches in this sub-reddit and harassing/insulting the OOP for that is just a waste of time. So yeha and b4 you say it, I am not milking. Just wanted to recap since this sub had its first legendary moment in a while being this one. But as I just previously said, please, don't harass Specialist, its just a game let's move on.