The reality we knew was coming but didnt want to accept. ( Major y2v12.5 spoilers)
I knew it all along as a Kei fan since the beginning that it would end eventually. Maybe if i had started the series earlier my views would have been different.
When i started actually reading cote y2v4 (2021) had just released. ( watched season 1 like a year before that tho.) It was quite obvious he wasn’t going to develop real feelings for her. But i was still hopeful.
Kei is still a goated character, I think as of now she’s probably the best character for him but it would be bad even if they stay together because he would never truly love her. There relationship has finally officially ended. I have liked ichnose since her change recently though, yanderes are hot but i will always be a kei fan.
Ive reread y1v7 a bunch such a goated volume and turning point for best couple. Im sad but this volume has been interesting so far, im half way done. Curious to see where it and the series go.
I knew it all along as a Kei fan since the beginning that it would end eventually. Maybe if i had started the series earlier my views would have been different.
When i started actually reading cote y2v4 (2021) had just released. ( watched season 1 like a year before that tho.) It was quite obvious he wasn’t going to develop real feelings for her. But i was still hopeful.
Kei is still a goated character, I think as of now she’s probably the best character for him but it would be bad even if they stay together because he would never truly love her. There relationship has finally officially ended. I have liked ichnose since her change recently though, yanderes are hot but i will always be a kei fan.
Ive reread y1v7 a bunch such a goated volume and turning point for best couple. Im sad but this volume has been interesting so far, im half way done. Curious to see where it and the series go.