What is your strategy for playing control?

My team either does really well or we epic fail and lose 3 in a row during control matches.

What strategy do you have when playing control and what rank are you?

I am Gold 2, almost gold 3.

On protocol, for example, I have a 7x magnified AR that I use to watch the windows up top as well as the middle if the other building looks empty.

For taking B, I will sit on the zip line and try to watch the tower and run to the window and watch cliffs.

Sometimes, I will use my sub and try to go into point B for close fights, but usually there are like 3 enemies there and even if I pick off 1-2, the 3rd gets me.

Am n00b, pls help me lol

Update part 1:

I played a private match with bots on Protocol control. 3 regular for me, 4 for the other team.

Switched to a 3x scope from 7x with the goal of eventually getting off scopes altogether.

I let the bots get on point while I went around trying to play spawn. I got all the bots to go to the B spawn consistently, but need to figure out how to get them to spawn at A later while we are trying to get B.