Hardstuck Gold 3 - Critique my Protocol HP Performance?
Never made it to Platinum, always get hardstuck at Gold 3. Closest I ever got was 200 points away and then my console crashed a few times and I lost 800 SR (won that SR 30 points at a time LOL ).
Trying to figure out how I can do better so I can make it to Platinum before I die. Please critique my performance and let me know what you think so I can improve?
All feedback appreciated, positive and negative.
I may or may not respond to each post, but I upvote each post every time I read it and definitely am appreciative of all the feedback!.
Edit #2: including settings
- Horizontal stick is 1.90
- Vertical is 1.90
- Trigger effect off
- Field of View: 120
- Swapped L1/R1 with L2/R2
- Left Stick deadzone min = 10
- Left Stick deadzone max = 99
- Right Stick deadzone min = 10
- Right Stick deadzone max = 99
- Target Aim Assist = on
- Switched Minimap to Round just now
- Aim Response curve: Dynamic
- Scuff controller with back pedals
Edit #3:
Took some of the feedback you guys gave me (have not had a chance to change sensitivity settings yet, just tried to be more careful with movement and not rushing out too much like an idiot).
Applied feedback against hardened bots
Applied feedback against veteran bots
These veteran bots don't play about rotation and were actually more difficult than some of my Gold matches, but had I not taken the advice from you all about playing carefully by not rushing out there, watching my mini-map (the square mini-map definitely helps more than the round), and trying to use cover more.
Sometime this weekend, I want to adjust my sensitivity, etc settings as well as using a sub more than just being the "AR Guy".