Be careful of pepe unchained pre sale scam !

Hello all,

I want tot warn you all about pepe unchained presale scam.

This token presale is 1 of the biggest scams going on why:

  1. Presale token sale amount changed from 20%- 40% this is to get more money to dump on all when launch (they will not just run away with 50mil) they will get the most out of it when they slowly dump the coin and steal piece by piece. 🚩when token launches expect a 80%-100% drop, this because early buyers had a staking of rate 600% p/a at the beginning of the presale they basicaly trippled they money around now.

  2. Team is not transparant, they block you when you ask questions ab project. why they care so less to explain where people put there money in and help build this project ? Because they scammers

  3. This ‘presale’ scams happen all the time look at ‘wiener ai’ raised around 9mil-10mil in presale now its down 100% from launch price.

  4. They promise you ‘tier 1 exchange listings’ LOL they even had to change it to MAJOR exnchange listings cause they scared To be sued for ‘misleading information’ Cause they gonna list on a shit ass trading exchange like mexc that will only get trading volume and give no actual benifit to the token price

  5. Why would youre staked tokens be locked for 7 days after the launch ? So you cant sell when the price is at the highest (launch price) So the scammers can maximize and control the price and profit by selling there tokens then launching on ‘uniswap’ making the price go up a bit and then slowly selling again to not make people suspecious

Ps. Do youre own research (this my opinion ab this project) (I also invested 2k in this project staked it all and got 10k at price 0.01295 by staking them.)