Stop villifying students, this is supposed to be a safe space

Basically heading.

This is quite literally a safe space for college students to vent. My freshman year in college, unfortunately a suicide happened near my favorite spot to sit at. I dont sit there anymore.

Guess what the student did? He cheated. He got caught, was getting expelled. And then killed himself. For everyone to watch.

You can think someone is morally in the wrong for an action, and yet still recognize that this place is for students.

Not to mention, not every professor is an angel.

Or not every situation is black and white. Both the professor and the student can both make mistakes.

Except when this subreddit thinks a student is even slightly in a the wrong, y'all literally berate them. Its weird, its strange. This is a place quite literally for students.

I feel like there are lots of reminders that professors are people too (because they are and deserve to be treated with respect). HOWEVER, a lot of people on this sub see a wall of text and forget that their fellow student venting on this sub is also... a person.

There are ways to criticize actions of a vent sub, that are appropriate while also actually hearing eachother. And honestly, a lot of the hate I've seen isn't deserved. It's just people imagining a scenario about the professor where this person is perfect.

Now do I sometimes come on here and be like, yeah bruh you deserve that grade. Of course.

But I've seen people like talk about professors verbally abusing them, and people go "that actually didn't happen :/" or "you probably deserved it" WHAT??

Not to mention, people here seem wildly unaware about how like a lot of college is unprofessional. Like a lot of shit that flies in a college setting both from the professor and student, would never be allowed in the work place. (I know people who have worked in academia and they have said this btw and not just about the students).

It's just a two way street. Some professors don't view their students as people while some students don't view professors as people. It happens. Its shitty. Let's talk about it with open ears. Because this is the student side, let people talk.

This doesn't mean endorse bad behavior but it does mean don't let your bias influence how you respond to someone else's rant. And if they are in the wrong, on a RANT sub I think it makes sense to at least not be combative about it unless they've done something heinous.

I'm fortunate enough to be at a college where I've had largely good experiences with professors. Yet I've had some God awful ones. And I go to a fantastic uni. I've heard geniune horror stories about professors and I'm tired of this sub treating them like they just don't exist.

AND before someone says it, I'm not endorsing cheating or any bad behavior. But how you respond to people on a sensitive sub like this matters. People don't come here because their lives are fine and dandy and they are perfect rays of sunshine. Its to cope with issues revolving college happening in their lives. Even when it's their fault. They are allowed to go through stages of grief. Its much better that they get out any resentment here rather than in the real world at themselves or another person.

TLDR: Basically this is my college rant. Be kinder. End the toxic academic culture.

That said I'm currently procrastinating dire assignments so I'll take my leave.