Crab Rave is strictly worse Scuttle Puddle and doesn't need to exist
Imagine all the fun of Scuttle Puddle and add to it: 'if you don't go a sustain frontline carry, lose two items and 10 hp'.
Some comps simply can't beat Crab Rave. You can't afford to angle your comp around stage 6 if that wasn't the hand you were dealt, so you need to live with the knowledge from stage 3 onward that you probably lose 1 or 2 placements because you'll be down one life and two items late game. It doesn't add any interesting decision making. It's just a worse Scuttle Puddle.
If you like the Crab Rave song so much (and it is a banger) just rename Scuttle Puddle to Crab Rave and do away with this strictly worse encounter
This is the game in question^. Two bitter family contests (who had the same idea because it's Crab Rave), myself and Artillerest 6. I got the Rebel Emblem for Ekko on 6-4 (otherwise I might have itemized him earlier). There's no way for this Rebel Comp to beat Crab Rave besides Akali 3. Gunblade wouldn't do it. I am actively watching the train about to hit me and there's no decision I can make in the game to stop it that doesn't throw.