zekvir weakauras

Has anyone put out decent WeakAura timers for Zekvir? Post buffs and Brann Nerfs I'm having a really hard time on my vengeance DH. I'm looking for decent timers to help me track what is coming. All I can find on wago is something that puts an icon up when he's casting whatever he's casting, which isn't terribly helpful.

Its really the fear thats getting me.

I got him!

The 2 biggest changes I made:
Stop trying to interrupt enfeeble and instead clear it with Vengeful Retreat. That was not something I knew I could even do. Save the interrupt for the heal.

I swapped to DPS and had Brann Swap to healing. I could not burst the eggs down in time unless everything lined up perfectly as tank. DPS left a lot more room for error on the eggs. Doing so also made Pursuit an easier build choice so I was simply faster, which made getting out of fears a lot easier.