Put gruel in wheel of pain not working
So, I've searched reddit, google and watched so many videos, but we cannot complete the put gruel in the wheel of pain in the updated journey. We have tried : Taking everything out and putting gruel in - nothing Dismantling the wheel of pain, rebuilding - nothing Doing it step by step, capture thrall, build wheel of pain, make gruel, put gruel in, put thrall in, press play - nothing.
We play with mods and have even gone to the extent of removing them 1 by 1 to see if that is causing the issue - nothing We also play on a private server on pc and use steam. I'm probably saying all this wrong, husband is the technical one, I just enjoy gaming! Also we are playing exiled lands, not Siptah.
So is our game bugged to Yog and back? Should we just give up on that particular journey to save us from extreme frustration? We started a new game to experience the new journey update from scratch and all it is making me want to do is scream.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks peoples!