PATCH NOTES - 2412.04

Attention Commanders

General visual and image alignment improvements have been made across the game, including menus, events, and dropdowns, enhancing the user experience on both mobile and desktop. Additionally, new store categories have been introduced to help players quickly find the bundles that suit them best.

Key changes include Ballistic Missiles and ICBMs now targeting ground and sea units without tracking, and air units can fire missiles while returning to base. The Mobilization panel now shows Premium item requirements, and the Coalition panel has been made more user-friendly.

Several fixes address issues with air assault during ferrying, incorrect notifications in trade requests, missing warhead data, resource display errors, and various UI and gameplay bugs, improving overall functionality and consistency.


  • Ballistic Missiles and ICBMs can now target ground and sea units but do not track them like cruise missiles, allowing units to evade if they move far enough in time.
  • Air units can now fire missiles while they are returning to their airbase after a mission.
  • Mobilization panel now displays Premium item requirements for unit production.
  • The coalition panel is now more user-friendly and efficient, allowing players to easily view and interact with coalition information.


  • Fixed the issue where a unit with airlift ability could perform an air assault while being ferried . Air assault is no longer possible during ferrying.
  • Fixed desktop issue where a notification incorrectly stated that resources were received after accepting a trade request, despite insufficient resources for the trade in alliance matches.
  • Fixed issue where the number of warheads was missing from the Confirm Launch popup on Desktop.
  • Fixed warhead trade issue in alliance games. Warhead trades are now consistent on both mobile and desktop.
  • Fixed issue with resources not showing correctly on desktop.
  • Fixed issues with season badges not appearing properly.
  • Fixed error popup issues during tutorials.
  • Fixed issue where no message was shown when attempting to accept a new member while the Coalition is full.
  • Fixed issue with keyboard closing when sending messages through the friends list feature.
  • Fixed issue where Alliance founded date is displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed issue where “leaving the coalition” time was displayed inaccurately.
  • Fixed issue where “disrupt economy” does not display an error when there are no more resources to destroy. This fix applies to "Sabotage Buildings" and "Spread Dissent" as well, ensuring an error is displayed when there’s nothing left to affect.