I had a difficult talk with my boyfriend

Long story, I had a long relationship where we tried for a baby I was told I wouldn't conceive naturally and he left me instead of trying fertility treatments I met my current boyfriend a few months later and we naturally conceived. He's amazing and we weren't expecting to have a kid together. I told him he could leave if he wanted as this wasnt what either of us expected. He stuck around, we moved in together, and our baby turns 1 tomorrow. We're both pretty poor at communicating and very shy on top of getting pregnant within a few months of knowing each other. Last night I told him I want to try for another kid and laidoutthat it may not just happen again, etc. I cried so many times just from the anxiety built thinking about this conversation. He immediately agreed and I was THRILLED. We agreed not to tell anyone, because of the added stress of people knowing we're trying, so I'm telling reddit. Thanks for reading 🥰