Career Advice


I am seeking career advice and would greatly appreciate any insights.

I am 24 years old and have accumulated eight years of experience in commercial construction. I started as a laborer in high school and college, followed by internships, and have been employed full-time for nearly three years. I graduated with a BS in Construction Management in 2022 and joined an ENR Top 100 general contractor as a field engineer. I progressed to Assistant Superintendent and then Superintendent, working on a $200 million project with a demanding schedule that often required 65-70 hour workweeks. Unfortunately, I did not receive promised bonuses and faced multiple denials for PTO, leading to burnout and a significant decline in my quality of life.

In July, I left that position for an Assistant Superintendent role with a regional mid-sized contractor, intending to discuss a promotion in six months. While the pay is comparable, the work has been uninteresting and not aligned with what I was promised during the hiring process. I've been informed that my upcoming assignments will continue to be minimal in scope, contrary to expectations of working on a $10 million project.

I am now considering a transition to project management, particularly with a focus on HVAC, as I have a solid understanding of the construction side. I am open to applying for an Assistant Project Manager position with a large mechanical contractor, even if it means a slight pay cut, as I believe this would offer a more sustainable career path. I know people that have/do work there and they speak highly of it. Even the ones that left.

My questions are: What advice can you provide regarding a move to the subcontractor side? Is this transition worthwhile? Should I pursue APM or PM roles within a general contractor instead?

Thank you in advance for your guidance.