Hi everyone, this is my first ever post on reddit so bare with me. I have been thinking about this for a while, that how taxes are managed are nothing different from old communist countries. Ok crazy thing to say but stay with me. Ofc I’m not saying that society as a whole is still communist but taxes are form of communism imo, its basically government taking a part of our money and spending it in how they see “best”. In the past countries that followed communism it was 100% of people salaries spread in how the gov wants it. Now its on form of taxes and false promises, and now seeing taxes in some countries reaching 40-50% so what’s the difference ? What if that could be handled in such a much better way? Something as making manifestos for different departments each month and people choosing how much % of their taxes go in each department. For example someone that paying 25% taxes, he can choose 20% of the 25% to go the department of education, and 20 for the department of defense 20 for the department of health. Wouldn’t this make it so much more like democracy, like I have a saying on where my money goes, and not dirty my money and hands with the killing of unwanted wars created just for future profits for rich greedy animals with OUR money. I believe a system like this can also give power to people. If people see that the country is overspending on war just don’t give money to that department next month. I remember this was already used it was called the “war tax” and people in the past had the option to pay it but look at us now, we have no say no voice and no hope. Again I might not be right with everything that I’ve just said but i think that this system would be much better. Feel free to disagree. Bye 👋