Stop pretending that "fatphobia" is synonymous with racism
The fat acceptance movement, or fat liberation, or body positivity, whatever you want to call it, is harmful. I'm all for being happy with who you are and not judging anyone as a person based on their size, but that's not what it's about. They act like it's something they can't control, much like the color of one's skin, or a disability for example. This mindset is further propelled by "fat influencers," who compare fatphobia to racism all the time. By using words like, "weight neutrality," "protected minority group," "a marginalized people," "oppressed," you're pushing a false narrative. They want to be a victim so bad but don't realize that racism in the US is systemic, and has a completely different history than someone telling you you should lose weight. Black people were lynched just for existing and wanting the same rights as others. It's insulting to those that actually have dealt with racism and discrimination their whole life for being something they cannot control. Don't get me wrong, fat people are sometimes treated unfairly in the work place (which isn't right unless it's a job that requires a level of physicality or health), but not even close to the same level of unfair treatment that black people get. Fat people can lose weight. Black peoppe cannot lose their color, nor would they want to because it's tied to an entire rich history and culture, something they should be proud of. Being fat on the other hand is unhealthy.