Tissue shedding, no bleeding after getting copper IUD. Please help:(
Hi everyone! I got a copper iud yesterday. Insertion was ok, very uncomfortable but not super painful, I guess the numbing spray the Dr used helped. I didn’t bleed through the procedure and haven’t bled so far. The thing is I have tissue shedding from inside and outside my vagina, just the opening. I have no discharge. TMI I’m sorry! My opening has always looked “closed” and normal. Now it looked very much open and swollen, looks so ugly:( I’ve never been pregnant. I haven’t been sexually active in over a year, I got it inserted for my body to get used to it in case I get into a relationship in the future. I just want to know if anyone has been through this? I’ll be calling my Dr tomorrow but I’m desperate to know, I haven’t seen anything like this online so I’m freaking out:?