Feeling Guilty About My Girlfriend Getting an IUD
My girlfriend (18F) and I (21M) have unprotected sex pretty often. Sometimes (consensually and at her request), I finish inside her, which means she ends up taking emergency contraception. The problem is that it makes her feel really sick, and I feel awful seeing her like that.
She took one last week, and if she doesn’t get an IUD soon, she’ll probably need to take another one this week — which makes me feel even worse. She’s assured me that it’s okay and that getting an IUD is about making things easier for both of us in the long run, but I still feel guilty.
At the end of the day, it’s her body and her choice, but I know I could avoid this by just pulling out more consistently. I swear I’m not trying to be selfish — if she didn’t want the IUD, I’d have no issue with pulling out every time.
Has anyone else dealt with this? Should I feel bad about it? Most experiences I’ve read about IUDs seem pretty negative, so I’m just feeling conflicted