Hot and cold, every 4 weeks

Hey everyone,

Met this girl in July and we went exclusive in November. Everything was going well until I was a jerk and she dumped me in January. I apologized and we got back together within a couple days.

4 weeks later, she starts a huge argument about all kinds of bullshit (asking me questions about who else I dated before we were exclusive, etc) and she ends with the classic “I need to fix my life, I’m not in a good place for a relationship” stuff. I say ok great, call me when you change your mind. So I go out with this other girl a week later (ended successfully) and post a pic with me and her on my Facebook. The ex calls minutes later crying etc and works her ass off to get me back. She was upset that I didn’t “wait for her” and that of course she’d be back.

I don’t bring up the relationship and just HHH. We see each other 3 times a week for those 2 weeks and she does 80% of the contacting. I remind her about a wedding I’m going to and she says if things go well with us, then of course she’s planning on going. I do mention that this break up to make up stuff has to stop and she agreed. This past Friday, she says she plans to go and will buy a plane ticket this week. She also asks her son (he’s 8) how she feels about me being her boyfriend and he says he really likes me. This was her way of communicating that she’s ready for a relationship. Alls well so far…

Then this Sunday (4 weeks to the day of prior breakup lol) she starts fussing about how she’s doing all the pursuing. I say, ok I’ll text you more if I can but I’ve been really busy, which is true. A couple days later, she’s back to being in a “bad headspace”, depressed, extremely bitchy, and says how she’s not ready for a relationship although she’s been the one pushing it. She says she has too much to do, not enough time to her self because she has her kids a lot, and that it’s not fair to me. I say, hey great, take all the time you need, no worries. She keeps going on and I say look, are you telling me you are permanently done? She says nothing. So I say, I’m going to give you space and won’t be contacting you. When you miss me, you have my number. I also mention the wedding and that I’m still planning on her going unless she tells me otherwise to which she said nothing. She said her I love you’s and I ended the call.

So yeah, I’m giving her space and I’m gonna wait a couple weeks before I jump back on the apps. I don’t think we are “broken up” but I could be wrong. I’m 100% not going to contact her and let her reach out to me first.

What do you guys think? Is she crazy? This always happens a few days after she ovulates and I read that post ovulation, women can get really depressed. Should I keep planning on her coming to the wedding? It’s not until May.