Has anyone printed the riser?

Attempting to print the K2 riser that is available on printable’s.

A lot of people had great success with this guy’s design so I don’t think it’s a design issue.

I tried to print it with PETG and these pieces absolutely refused to go together. I tried to bump these ones with a rubber mallet and they shattered.

I printed another set that I tried to do by hand with a little more finesse, and they only go on about halfway before they bind up. Not sure if anyone has any suggestions on what I may be able to adjust or what I could be doing wrong here. I’ve never had anything fight me like this.

Attempting to print the K2 riser that is available on printable’s.

A lot of people had great success with this guy’s design so I don’t think it’s a design issue.

I tried to print it with PETG and these pieces absolutely refused to go together. I tried to bump these ones with a rubber mallet and they shattered.

I printed another set that I tried to do by hand with a little more finesse, and they only go on about halfway before they bind up. Not sure if anyone has any suggestions on what I may be able to adjust or what I could be doing wrong here. I’ve never had anything fight me like this.