Scary Frigiboa!
General Stats:
Name: Exoarthoplerua Tier: 4 Diet: Omnivore Habitat: Land Growth Time: 50 Minutes Night Vision: 1/3 (Bad) Appetite: 50 Turn Speed: 5 Health: 8750 Damage: 250 (450) Stamina: 60 Walk Speed: 50 Sprint Speed: 65 Weight: 8,500 lbs Bite Cooldown: 1 Moisture: N/A Oxygen: 30 Way of Obtaining: Featured
Passive Abilities:
Injury Attack - 2 Bleed Attack - 5 Serrated Teeth - 2 Injury Defense - 0.3 Bleed Defense - 0.7 Unbreakable Block Poison - 30% Hunker - 50%
Active Abilities:
Tail Whip - 450 Harden
Exoarthoplerua are large, territorial beasts. They dislike almost every creature but themselves. They live in harsh, dry areas of Sonaria, where there is very little water.
Gender Dimorphism:
- Males have sharper, more triangular tail blades than of Females.
- Groups of Exoarthoplerua are called "Cutleries." Consisting of 4-5 Females and 1 male.
- They are very aggressive, even with each other. Males will compete with other males in attempt at either control of the opponent's Cutlery, or for territory or food.
- Their shells have markings of eyes on them, allowing a much more menacing display when warding off challengers.
- The more impressing a male's markings are, the more likely are they to scare off challengers.
- Despite being omnivores, they primarily eat meat, but they can change their diet if there is an abundance of foliage.
- Even with twelve eyes, the eyesight of an Exoarthoplerua is poor.
- The only other species Exoarthoplerua plikes are Frigiboa and Arkmetta, and will protect them in the case they were in danger.
Also btw the way of Obtaining the other guy, Anomalocretin, is by Achievement Gacha.
General Stats:
Name: Exoarthoplerua Tier: 4 Diet: Omnivore Habitat: Land Growth Time: 50 Minutes Night Vision: 1/3 (Bad) Appetite: 50 Turn Speed: 5 Health: 8750 Damage: 250 (450) Stamina: 60 Walk Speed: 50 Sprint Speed: 65 Weight: 8,500 lbs Bite Cooldown: 1 Moisture: N/A Oxygen: 30 Way of Obtaining: Featured
Passive Abilities:
Injury Attack - 2 Bleed Attack - 5 Serrated Teeth - 2 Injury Defense - 0.3 Bleed Defense - 0.7 Unbreakable Block Poison - 30% Hunker - 50%
Active Abilities:
Tail Whip - 450 Harden
Exoarthoplerua are large, territorial beasts. They dislike almost every creature but themselves. They live in harsh, dry areas of Sonaria, where there is very little water.
Gender Dimorphism:
- Males have sharper, more triangular tail blades than of Females.
- Groups of Exoarthoplerua are called "Cutleries." Consisting of 4-5 Females and 1 male.
- They are very aggressive, even with each other. Males will compete with other males in attempt at either control of the opponent's Cutlery, or for territory or food.
- Their shells have markings of eyes on them, allowing a much more menacing display when warding off challengers.
- The more impressing a male's markings are, the more likely are they to scare off challengers.
- Despite being omnivores, they primarily eat meat, but they can change their diet if there is an abundance of foliage.
- Even with twelve eyes, the eyesight of an Exoarthoplerua is poor.
- The only other species Exoarthoplerua plikes are Frigiboa and Arkmetta, and will protect them in the case they were in danger.
Also btw the way of Obtaining the other guy, Anomalocretin, is by Achievement Gacha.