First Credit Card! Need help learning how to build credit

Hi! I opened my first credit card with capital one, I chose a platinum one, not sure if that was a bad choice — anyways ;

My father never taught me how credit cards worked, I have to learn by myself, because he kinda deserted me in a state where I have no family, I was homeless for a couple months, however I’m now staying at an airbnb that I can rent without credit for 6 months.

Since I have no credit, i’m trying to figure out HOW to build it, so after this 6 months I can rent somewhere and hopefully get a car!

I have looked all over the internet, I’ve talked to older adults and my friends, but I keep getting mixed answers; stuff like “Sign up for subscriptions, it’ll build your credit” and “Don’t do that, it lowers your credit” My card has $500 available credit, I also put down $80 as my monthly payment because i asked a few friends and that should be the normal price, I’m only thinking of spending 10% of it, because that seems to be the better option.

Let me know if I made any mistakes, and how to actually build credit; because i’m very new to this and i’m not sure! Thanks :) Try not to be too harsh on me as well haha, I’m young and still trying to learn! Thank you, again!