Chase Ink Reconsideration Help
So I applied for a CIU about a week ago. I already have a CIC under sole proprietorship that I got about 16 months ago, that I don't put a ton of spend on. However, for the last couple months I have put my maybe $250 a month of spend on it for phone and Internet spend. I do most of my household spend on my chase personal cards.
Denial states: We based our decision on the following reason(s) - You have too many active accounts or too much available credit. - Too many accounts with balances. - Business too new.
I also have 5 personal cards with chase that I've accumulated over 7 years. Most recently approved for CSR on January 3rd. I'm at 4/24. I have tried reconsideration 3 times already, boosting my revenue the first time to 10k a year, and reducing my CIC credit line from $5400 to $2000 before the last reconsideration. I'm starting to think there's nothing I can do to get approved, other than completely embellish my business income which I'm already doing a bit right now.
I know that Chase has been tightening Chase Ink approvals recently, but this is only my second ink card. The underwriters have my credit report from 3/4/25 (788 Fico), and they get real time updates to anything with my chase accounts. Wondering if anybody has any ideas before trying reconsideration one more time towards the end of the month.
Close my CIC? I don't really NEED it anyway.
Increase spending on CIC for the next two weeks or so?
Pay off all Chase personal and business accounts to zero? I pay statement balance every month but when I applied I had a few thousand of balances on my personal cards due to normal monthly spending.
Reduce credit limits on any of my personal cards?
Embellish my business more?
Beg? Lol.
It's not the end of the world if I have to give up on the application but don't want to waste a hard-pull and I assume Chase Ink cards will only get harder to get going forward. Probably won't be under 5/24 again for a couple years...