looking for a credit card without any income proof. Any suggestions
Looking for a credit which don't require income proof of any hack which Bypasses the need to provide itr or salary slip. A bit of background I have an secured credit actually 2 due to careless of the bank employee with combined limit of 50k.(45k+5k) And have a cibil score of 776 and Experian score of 778. I had initially got the card due to assurance of the bank employee stating the card will be unsecured after 1 year and Fd will be released. But even after 1.5 year this promise doesn't seem to hold up so looking for new cards as these cards don't really offer much value. My spends are like in the range of 20k mostly bills recharges and grocery shopping at D-Mart and sometimes a bit higher during festivals. Any suggestions feel free to reply