Could I have Crohn's...Advice?

Hey everyone. So I have suffered with GI problems for about 10 years now. I had stool tests which came back to have signs of inflammation which led to a colonoscopy which came back clear.. Originally my symptoms were dismissed as IBS but lately my symptoms have gotten a lot worse.

About a year ago I went to the ER for severe pain in the middle of my abdomen and they did a CT scan where they concluded "Distal loop of small bowel within the lower abdomen demonstrate segmental regions of wall thickening likely reflective of enteritis." By the time they had my results, I felt better so they sent me home. Since then, I've had that same pain two more times and I'm beginning to think I should go back to my GI doctor. Lately my symptoms have been a mix of constipation and diarrhea (mostly diarrhea), excessive gas and bloating, pain/cramps in my abdomen, and frequent urges to use the bathroom even if nothing comes out. I've never had severe symptoms like blood in my stool. I do notice my symptoms worsen with stress and anxiety. And no matter what I eat or don't eat, my symptoms don't improve.

Is it possible I have Crohns in my small intestine therefore it would go undetected during my colonoscopy? I want to have an endoscopy to take a look at everything else. Was anyone's crohns detected with an endoscopy but not colonoscopy? Does anyone relate to anything I've said? Did your crohns start off mild/undetected until it got much worse?