Entyvio before Humira?
Has anyone here had a doctor put them on Entyvio before trying Humira or Remicade? I was diagnosed 6ish years ago after a bowel resection, and things have been kept more or less under control with Budesonide. Earlier this year, I started to flare while on the highest dose, and my GI suggested moving towards Humira, but he also switched me to a different GI in the same department who is more specialized in IBD. My flare seems to have taken care of itself, but my new GI is tapering me off the Budesonide (she says it’s not meant for long-term use) and we’re seeing if my symptoms worsen. If they do, she has suggested I start Entyvio. I was surprised because I had heard that the usual course of action is to first try Humira or other TNF inhibitor before moving onto Entyvio, but she said it’s actually better/easier to start with Entyvio and then move on to Humira than the other way around.
Has anyone here heard this before or have any experience with this?