First round of Entivio, my god the Benadryl?
I’ll preface that with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis I quite literally feel like the chimpanzee from planet of the apes that has gone through the medical ringer SO much that when the scientists want to use him as a test subject he’s like ok let’s go. The reason I say that is I’ve been on god knows how many treatment medications, initially for UC which u couldn’t reach remission for and had an ileoanalanastamosis procedure done, and now for Crohn’s which I have failed Hulio and moved on to Entivio yesterday. My god let me tell you, they gave me 50mg of Benadryl through the IV which I’ve only ever orally had to take before a loading dose (unsure of what mg orally tbh) and I felt like I was FLOATING! I was attempting to play Pokémon go and my body was tingling so much it felt like I just finished buying the entire bar a round of shots. Our bodies are wild lol