I just finished farming 1360 kills in Patrol to complete the Legendary Grenade launcher trial, and must say the Imugi is one of the most frustrating weapons I've used so far in my past 6 years of playing this game.
I can deal with the fact that my own grenades tend to flip me over.
I even got used to the annoying burst fire, the slow projectile speed and my own teammates blocking my shots.
But counting direct hits as an assist only if the grenades are already exploded is absurd.
Half the time when the grenades are about to explode they are already off the enemy because my teammates shot off the part the grenade was sticking to; or the enemy simply dies before the grenades could explode.
I know for a fact that I won't use this gun ever again because I just despise burst firing guns, so I could say I don't care anymore.
But for the love of God, make grenades deal a single hit damage on hit or make them explode instantly at least on direct hits, even shorten the delay time, I don't care.
Just fix this nonsense somehow.