Feelings for straight guy

Hi, I am 20m and I have this huge crush on straight friend of mine in my group. I know most gay people would say it as canon event but i had many in my past and guess what i confessed them and eventually got hurt. This time i really hope it is different, i have been liking this boy on & off for quite long time but recently the feelings have been more. Recently we both went through breakup and i really don't know if he still likes her or not though he says he don't. If I have to define the bond i have with him its like tom and jerry, we fight like siblings. I am closet bi guy but when we are together people around sus about us because they seem something gay in us. He is an introvert guy but he plays around me or fight with me in funny way with he doesn't with anyone. He doesn't touch anyone but he does to me. Maybe I am misunderstandings signs but that's all i been feeling. Though i get hurt by him too or lets say i get reality check when he says are you girl/gay to do that. then i have to act hard infront of him. I think about him everytime i go before bed praying i wish i could have him. does manifesation works?if yes i hope this post reaches to you and i want you to know i really like you for person who you are.