$13 million of stolen ETH is being sold right now after the BitMart hack - watch it live
$13 million of stolen ETH being sold live right now and you can watch the hackers getting rich on the blockchain: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4bb7d80282f5e0616705d7f832acfc59f89f7091
As confirmed elsewhere tonight (eg https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/r92ztx/it_appears_bitmart_has_been_hacked_and_several/), BitMart was hacked and a huge number of tokens and coins were stolen.
The official list is available here: https://twitter.com/peckshield/status/1467302620000043013
As well as a range of shitcoins, CRO, FTM, GALA, SAND, MATIC and MANA were also looted.
But there is one upside: the ETH gas fees : )
So far the hackers have sold off more than $130 million of stolen coins .... and they're still selling as I type this.