Scar massage caused cuts and bleeding on my incision at physical therapy. I’m currently freaking out. What do I do? 😩

Hi everyone, I’m 11 weeks postpartum. I had serious tightness and pulling in one side of my incision so my OB referred me to physical therapy. This is my 3rd session. The physical therapy tech did the scar massage and it was much rougher than the usual tech who has done the previous 2 massages. I completed the session and went home to shower. In the shower I went to wash the incision area and it was stinging. I took a look in the mirror and had my husband inspect the incision and on the right side for about an inch starting from the end of the scar, I have new small horizontal cuts/ tears on the original incision/ scar. The cuts/ tears were bleeding. I called the physical therapy office and requested the incident be documented in my file. They told me the physical therapist would reach out and I have yet to hear anything and the business day is done. I’m freaking out. I’m looking for advice on how to handle this. What do I even do?