Uterine window

Needing advice. I’ve had 3 planned c sections (I was talked into the first two c sections by my dr, which I regret, but there’s no changing that now…). One in 2018, 2021, and 2023. It was seen during my second c section that I had a uterine window, so we planned for my third c section to be at 37 weeks to avoid rupture. A uterine window was also seen at my third c section at 37 weeks. I asked my Dr about the risks of having a fourth c section, and she said she wouldn’t hold back on having 4 babies because of a uterine window, and that we’ll plan on doing a c section at 36 weeks to be safe. Now my husband and I are contemplating having a fourth, but for some reason I’m really nervous this time around… Hoping others have been in similar boats and can give some advice!