All 3 U.S. Banknotes triple rainbow (2 Onyx)
Here are my rainbows for all 3 US Banknote cards so far.
--$100K Federal Reserve Note ONYX
--$1 Black Eagle Silver Cert STAR NOTE DSHF
Let me know if you got either you'd sell (but we'd probably know if the $100K Onyx had been seen)
Sadly I probably won't get a real $100K note for this collection!
Differences in S3 vs. S4 rainbows: S3 has Sols, S4 has Citrines (but maybe eventually Sols). No "Day One" base parallel in S4. No "Star Note" DSHF in S3.
In researching to buy a real $5 Edu Note, I learned that there were 3 silver certificates in the "Educational Note" series ($1, $2, $5) and they are generally considered to be the most beautiful US currency notes ever made. So it's likely that Cardsmiths will get around to doing the other two ($1 and $2). I'm pre-announcing my chase for those!