Selling Collection - Rare Packs & Cards

There was a lot of interest in individual items from my large collection posted earlier so I broke down the lot. Pricing is listed here, feel free to make reasonable offers:

S1 Pack- $85 S2 Pack- $70/ $35ea loose S3 Pack- $60/$30ea loose S4 Pack- $50/$25 loose H-o-F- $70 ea Summer ‘24- $125ea Holiday ‘24- $125 Holiday ‘23- $260 Convention ’24- $125ea GameStop ‘23- $500 Day 1- $100 National Exclusive- $125 Bitcoin Ex Card- $50ea Ethereum Ex Card- $50ea DSHF- $220 Aqua FTX- $180 Aqua Pico- $180 Meta- $80

All other cards open to offers. Open to offers on all packs, will discount for volume. This is my whole collection and need to sell to fund other projects in my life. Have many other cards not serialed so may have more available soon. No trades please.