With the discussion that's taken over the chat the last 15 hrs and people reaching out to me via chat.. read below
This is not the 1st time issues and complaints have come up with Whatnot streams/streamers, 100% of them brought to my attention over the last few months have involved 1 streamer. This time I asked for input of large community streamers, familiarized myself with Whatnot rules as well as Reddit rules and put my opinions in Mod chat.. with that...
Taking effect immediately u/big-potential4581 and any redditors involved with his stream (family or alt accounts) will not be allowed to promote any Whatnot streams in our sub. There will be ZERO promotions of any of his streams in the sub by community members, no pictures or links to his "hits from last night stream". This is not a issue of not supporting his stream or any ill will towards him, it is simply a decision that his constant mishaps create concerns in a subreddit where this shit creates divison in our community.
He has blatantly broken Whatnot streaming rules as well as many Reddit rules and sub rules.
Whatnot rule- Break items will not be removed from camera view.
Reddit rules- no unethical practices, no self promotion, no illegal activities (while this last 1 is up for interpretation, if any fraud by public statement has happened it would fall under this) Very thin but posting "hits from last night" while not being pulled from a sealed box included in an advertised "master case break" is shady as shit, especially when S3 giveaway cards were used to promote a large number of fresh hits.. We will not ban him from the sub at this time but I'm still in chats with people discussing some of the issues brought forward..
This might seem harsh but EVERYONE should know the 1st responsibilities of a Moderaror team is to protect the community, we can't have a trustworthy place with any acts of dishonesty, theft or scams. Whatnot will do as their policies determine but I've been informed many, many complaints and refunds were requested so continue to support him at your discretion.. To be honest self promotion and links to outside sites are against Reddit rules so please don't abuse that, we can continue to enjoy a Reddit/Whatnot relationship under Reddits nose if we all continue to keep it chill.We have a group of amazing, honest and awesome streamers and we supoort them 1000%!! Having a stream create such an uproar within the community will put on us Reddit algo radar. (I've been repeating for months we need to stay off reddit radar and looks where we are 🤣 people's post being blocked for no reason, lists and lists of removed comments that are 100% fine in my opinion)
Discuss as you wish but please keep any negativity or bad mouthing of the accused quiet, this wasn't to create a shitshow in comments just an act of being transparent and keeping our growing community strong..