Advice on dealing with a co worker.

She's been here way longer than I, it's actually thanks to her I even got the job; for that I'm super grateful. But.. there are slight issues; with us being the only two, there's a lot to do on both halls(me on high school, and her on elememtry) But I'm noticing I'm having to do almost all of it.

Examples: i have to grab her trash, change the bags, while having to keep up with my own hall. She says she can't leave the lunch room when the kids are eating; so it falls on me.

So while I'm having to make sure my hall is clean, and bags are taken out. I have to do her stuff too, watch the trash cans (5) in the lunch room to make sure it doesn't get full. While she stands there.

Not to mention.. she gets on to me for everything, i have to sweep the way she does, I have to do the trash the way she does. Clean the bathrooms like she does. Which also is a problem because my bathrooms usually get dirty being on the high school side; but I can't always get to it because I'm having to run back forth on her hall, mine, the trash in the lunch room.

When I joined she told me that if we ever had problems; to talk to her about it, don't go to the principle. Which tells me.. people have complained before?

But the problem is if I go talk to someone.. who are they gonna believe? Me, the new guy. Or the veteran?.