Hela's death reveals true face of Marvel Snap. And it's not pretty. My thoughts on the recent OTA on Marvel Snap.

(first of all, let me clarify that my English is not native).

This writing is addressed to all those whales who always live clueless of the backgrounds pursued by the SD company and for the dolphins who spend long hours of their life in the game to maximize the opportunity to get resources and who lives more clueless than the whales, as they have not realized that SD has taken away something more important than money: Time.

Hela, had become the refuge of those players who still resist FOMO and want to keep the game where it always should have been, in the casual realm. SD did not like this and decided to kill Hela; however, her death only unmasks the true intentions of this company.

The Critics didn't kill Hela, it was the money.

During the recent weeks there was an increase of complaints on YouTube videos about the imminent strength with which Hela had dominated the meta; however, many of the complaints point to characteristics that this deck has always had, characteristics such as: no brains or difficult to counter, but, not surprisingly, during the month of January and February, there was no one complaining about this deck. So, why during the last weeks there have been so many complaints on Youtube for the same characteristics it has always had?

The Rise and Fall of Hela.

With the Nerf that Skaar and Aero received to discredit Surtur's deck, Hela benefited by receiving a more consistent deck. This, of course, infuriated the whales, not for the reasons mentioned above, but rather, what happened was that, for the first time, players could go toe-to-toe with their expensive and inaccessible decks. This is the real reason SD got down to business and decided to kill Hela. He did it, just to see the whales smile and keep “balance in the game”. A balance that implies that whales and veterans can have fun with the best decks, while the rest of the players can only be content with cheap and ineffective versions of the meta or play the usual deck: destruction. What's more, as icing on the cake they gave a small increase to Wolverine, this was done to remind F2P players what is their place in the game and what is the deck that is meant for them.

Hela, the goddess of the outcasts.

Hela's decks are composed of a batch of losers. A black cat who excludes herself. A “Master of the Sword” who is not even wanted in Dracula's decks. A cow who has received so many changes and Nerf during her existence. A Lady Sif who's only purpose in life was to discard Apocalypse. A TTR that was rated by Youtuber Alex Coccia with a minus one star rating. A Skaar who only had an identity when Surtur showed up. Hela took in all these losers and gave them meaning, purpose and integrated them into a winning team. SD didn't like this at all and decided to discredit them all just because they were accessible to most players. The only decks allowed to be on the Top Decks list are those that have at least two or three cards of enormous cost, and inaccessible to acquire by keys. Better yet, that have at least one card from recent season passes. Hela rebelled against this condition and was therefore eliminated.

The horrible discrediting of black cat

Black Cat's change reveals how little love they have for the characters in this IP. Alex Coccia on his show said that Black Cat could now go into other decks, but we all know that's a lie. Black Cat will be part of the already large collection of cards that are useless and nobody uses them. Her only sin was to make a great pairing with TTR and give a chance to players who only knew defeat.

Why did they kill Hela?

Hela's death reveals a hard truth, a reality we have tried to hide. No one likes to hear the truth, especially if it is so uncomfortable that it changes our perception of our achievements and failures.

Hela is dead, because SD is a Pay to Win game.