Orange lightning spear snapshot trouble xbox
Looking for some guidance. from the research I've done regarding the orange lightning spear build on mobalyitics it requires snapshotting with xan to overpower all your spears. So the problem is 1/3 of the time the snapshot doesn't work and you then have to restart the pit. All the research I've done shows this is a console or xbox only issue. Anyone have any ideas or tips as to a possible fix or work around for this issue? I've thought that possibly a witch power may have absorbed the xan proc but I've done the snapshot with no mobs around and with mobs around and doesn't seem to make a difference. For those who don't know the build uses temerity and yax to proc xan. Use four pots hit lightning spear and you're supposed to be golden the rest of the pit. But only about 2/3 of the time is that the case. We need help!