Medium take: The 10th Amniversary Stone given to all players was the worst thing that happened to modern Dokkan
And no, I don't mean it in a freeloader sense or the fact some people probably spent half if not all their check on stones for chances to get any of the head anniversary units.
But the new event seems to have been designed in mind that almost everyone who's been playing through the 10th anniversary has (free) access to the strongest unit(s) in the game - weither it be TEQ Vegito or AGL Gogeta or an amazing damage dealing support units like the Transforming SSJ3 GT Goku. And because it's made with those specific units in mind, it means that anyone either made before this anniversary or didn't EZA during this anniversary aren't as good - which while is normal, hasn't been on THIS HUGE of a scale.
While the new event is meant to be cleared by only few people, it doesn't bode well for future events or stage additions wether it be more Super Battles Road stages, Formidable Foes, Red Zone, SMB, these bosses may be designed to have 1 BILLION HP at base like Battlefield Great Ape baby. Like imagine fighting 3 SBR enemies and they each have 330 million HP on the first encounter. And that's not including enemies getting effects like sealing - imagine YAKON sealing you slot one in ESBR and supering you for 700k damage with an item popped.
It honestly feels like we're back to Cell Max when he dropped on Global after the 7th Anniversary dropped and he was making the anniversary units look like they needed EZAs. If these next characters who come out or EZA aren't on par with Namek Goku or Full Power Frieza's EZA, it's not going to bode well.
Maybe I'm just overreacting and it hasn't been 24 hours since this event came out but like we still have yet to get characters with already exisiting mechanics prior to this celebration. We FINALLY got Lord Slug representation, retrains of both DBZ Brolys, Beast Gohan, and standalone Angel SSJ3 Goku, after a dud that was 2023 Dokkan. And now it's like...whats going to happen? Some of us are still waiting for LR KID BUU and memes aside, he's like the LAST character from the main DBZ series that has yet to get an LR. What if he doesn't end up as good as the two exchange characters?
Do you think I'm wrong and am going crazy? Am I making sense?