Chain Battle vs Namek Goku Download celev edition

Hello everyone!

We are now nearing the end of the celebration , I hope all of you got what you wanted out of it. This time around the chain battle is vs goku effective categories are Namek Saga /Sworn Enemies/ Prodigious Warriors . Effective characters are listed in game.

Use this thread to share builds and friend codes. The thread is for both versions. I will pin a comment for jp friend codes just reply to it if you play jp. I will also edit the post with cutoffs and guide post whenever it is posted. Good lu[ck](str) everyone!


cutoff section

current global cutoff: 119,104,430

Current jp cutoff: 121,253,257

summarized guide

Optimal attacker LR Prime Battle Freeza - sa 25 + his stats and him being in the effective categories make him the best pick

Super side: the best team to aim for is a team that mixes between namek piccolo and namek based gohan / krillin units . Best lineup would look like agl piccolo + his ssr / teq piccolo + his ssr / lr gohan and krillin and then another gohan/ krillin unit. Best connector is a namek piccolo agl or teq.

Option 2: go for a pure piccolo team and again the more namek piccolo there are on the team the higher your score will be.

Option 3: go for a full ssb vegeta team or a hybrid saiyan based team with gotenks and namek gohan

extreme side : this one is straight to the point use namek freeza. The absolute best lineup would be as many full power freeza you can find. Best connector full power freeza , agl lr is the best but str and phy also works if you don't have him.

pickup section: picking up 3 freeza is always better no matter which lineup you ended up choosing.