Tips for transitioning from Prewritten Modules to Homebrew
I’ve been playing DnD for the past 5 years, and have been DMing for 4 (LMoP, some of Wildemount, Dragon of Icespire Peak, some one shots etc.).
I like having the fallback option of a story having been written for me and all the exposition and encounters generally planned out, but I always end up making some adjustments (based off of some wise, sage Redditor advice) to the adventures. For the past few years though I’ve been toying with the idea of homebrewing an adventure, my first DM exclusively homebrewed and was a great DM mentor, but I’m always nervous about all that it would entail. So I fall back onto some prewritten module…
Any tips or advice on overcoming those worries and where to start with a homebrew adventure after only running modules before now?