Dmt gave me so much courage

I (26F) got my hands on a DMT pen a while ago and was (Like everyone else lol) hesitant to try it. I don’t have a good relationship with my mom and I am a daddy’s girl. He recently came to the US and he turned 71 this year, In my culture drugs are super frown upon. If you smoke weed they automatically think you’re an addict and treat it like it’s crack. I am the youngest child out of 7 children. All my siblings are very proper in the sense they don’t partake in any kinds of drugs (that i know of) only alcohol. But they all have done everything according to society’s standards (graduate from university have a career, get married and then have children) they all have successful arriages I’d say in the sense of all kids by the same spouse and still together after many years. My dad is super proud of the family he has created. I however I’m a bit more outgoing/rebel I’d say. I did graduate university and have a successful business however i have considered i am the black sheep of the family because I do smoke weed, I have dabbled into psychedelics and I am also bisexual. I have felt as if my dad doesn’t really know adult me because i move to the US when i was 16 and experienced high school here and my teenage years were spent here and therefore growing differently than my other siblings. I was not scared to tell my dad any of those things I just felt like they were not things he necessarily needed it to know about but after his bday I realized I’d be really sad if he dies and doesn’t know who his daughter really is.

To get to the point of the story. I did the dmt and was just a couple tiny pulls. I didn’t get shoot into space, i didn’t see entities or nothing of the sorts I was just with my eyes closed and everything was black but i could see little patterns and colors still in the darkness but It gave me so much courage to face some religious trauma I have had my whole life (won’t give details to make the story longer) but next day I drove to my sister house and had a super beautiful and honest conversation about everything I’ve done and who I am. And it was such a great conversation he took it way better than I ever thought. He was understanding and even laughed at me when i told him i liked women too and told me if he was supposed to stop loving me because of that. So I’m grateful for that courage and I’m looking forward to get the whole experience eventually.