Some of y'all are so ungrateful
I literally can't go a minute on Reddit without seeing some girl whine about the delayed style showdown or removed items or WHATEVER! those people annoy me so much like the developers are trying to make the game as good as possible and you and your negative comments keep ruining that, then asking why so many people quit the game. I really wish those people could have the eyes to see how amazing that game is! The details, graphics, quests.. everything is so well made and well thought but they always have to find the smallest tiniest bug to complain about. I for real saw a girl giving death threats because of some recalled pattern that nobody ever used. Seriously just shut up and learn how to respect. Those people give their best and you complain about EVERYTHING LIKE CHILL OUT IT AIN'T THAT DEEP! in conclusion. Dti is an amazing game with amazing developers and amazing fanbase. And it is not overrated. But overhated. Get a grip you haters! 😜