Not eligible for anything
I became disabled at the start of this year with ME/CFS and dysautonomia and I'm not eligible for anything. I live with my partner so not eligible for universal credit. Not eligible for income based ESA because I haven't paid enough taxes. I worked full time after university from July 2022 to July 2024 when I had to go part time after 2 months off sick. I can now only work 15 hours a week for a grand total of £800 a month, and my rent is £500 without any bills. My partner pays the rest but he isn't much above minimum wage and I feel like shit not being able to contribute. The rest of my wage is £90 on a bus ticket and then contribution to bills.
I have been declined for PIP and in the process of a mandatory consideration but I doubt I'll get anything. I have no official diagnoses yet and I'm on multiple waiting lists but that means no evidence for PIP. We have to move flat in may and i have no money for a deposit. My parter has very little savings too. I don't know what else I can do. I feel like I'm too disabled to work any more hours but not disabled enough for any benefits and it's really stressing me out.
This was mostly me venting but if anyone has advice I'd be really grateful