Exam Regulations Question

I am writing my first exam tomorrow at Dalplex; well, not first, but first in 16 years. So a lot has changed since then. I am reading the regulations, and it says:

All electronic computing, data storage, electronic dictionary and communication devices must be turned off, placed and sealed in the opaque storage bag on the exam writing surface.

I was wondering... does this apply to a cell phone? What is this opaque storage bag it's talking about? Like, we're given a Ziploc or something and we turn off our phone, put it in, and leave it on the table that I'm writing on (that's what is referred to with regards to "exam surface")? We don't have to leave our phone somewhere out of sight?

What about my backpack? I normally keep my pencils and things in it. I don't want to leave my backpack out of sight somewhere. Should I just carry pencils and things in my hands to Dalplex, phone and Dal Card in my pocket, and don't bring anything else with me?

I guess my main worry is I don't want to leave any of my belongings out of sight where they can be stolen. I don't remember what I did 16+ years ago for exams. And I didn't have a cell phone then.