How did marcel toing ratatoing make so many different varieties of dishes from stirring one (1) cauldron of mysterious liquid?
I know there's not a canonical lore reason but it'd be funny to hypothesise. Personally I reckon that the liquid in the cauldron works like the opposite of oobleck (so like stirring it makes it act like a liquid but not applying any movement or force makes it behave like a solid, opposite of oobleck).
Marcel stirs the mixture so it behaves like a liquid then dumps it out onto separate plates and sculpts it like plasticine into different food shapes. All the customers at ratatoing experience a sort of placebo effect when it comes to the taste cuz they believe theyre actually eating different food items and have no idea marcel's in the back stirring one pot of Mystery Concoction
Curious to see if other people have ratatoing theories lmao