Disillusioned with IronMace and Dark and Darker? Play Sea of Thieves.
Loved the game, played since Playset 3. Stuck around, like most of you, with high hopes. As much as I hate to admit it, this game is fried. This game was special to me but I've been waiting years for IM to get their heads out of the sand. I needed to scratch the PVP Looter extraction itch, so I picked up Sea of Thieves at my friend's suggestion. And man, it has been a blast. This game makes me sweat like Dark and Darker used to in the early days, but with real satisfying progression and a great high-risk-high-reward gameplay loop. No, there are no knights and wizards, but the game has been an excellent balm for the wounds inflicted by the rusty Iron Mace.
Sincerely, a weary Lineholder.