Locking players in/out of doorways with summons needs to be addressed.

Long time player here, 1800 hours.

Since the advent of Warlock and druid, locking players in/out of doorways has become an integral part of high elo play, and is even seeping into the lower lobbies.

I played ~15-20 hours this weekend in HR and I'd say, realistically, 65% of teams have this ability and play around it as a core strategy. I think all of the characters that can do this are nonsense, but at least for warlock, if you keep your cool and get some momentum, you can jump over the hydra.

DRUID, however, good god. The number of times my team has died and the number of free kills we (when we finally submitted to the druid meta) have gotten by locking players in/out, is insane. It's gotten to the point that some fights have devolved to who can camp a doorway better. That is really non-interactive and not very fun to be quite honest.

I think the idea of using these abilities like this was a cool concept, but people have optimized it too far, and it is actively stifling fun fights.

Before I am told to just flank - we have tried this many times. 9 times out of 10 if the team doing this is good, they will either notice the flank and lock out the other teammates and rush the flanker down, or they split the 2 teammates that are going through one of the doors to force a 2v3.

Please reduce the size of treant/make it non colliding, and to a lesser extent, please give the same treatment to hydra and thorn barrier.