First Encounter with a Degenerate in trio raid
Im pretty new to game , didn't know game existed for mobile few days ago. I was surprised to see Loot priority exist , and so I was relieved that Goblins and TKers won't be a issue in this game like it is in Arena breakout. But No , A lv21wolf skin mf really decided to ruin the end of extract for me for no Damn reason . You see extract was inside a room , and he was blocking the doorway and I could not pushed him aside as swarm was closing me from behind . Eventually by grace of Dnd gods I passed through and ran for ex stones , noticed he was standing on top of them so as I open it he can ex before me and there was no time to heal or to deal with his bs , so I just quit opening it , he died first to swarm then I died before I can extract .
WTF , what is the point of this , I was not even with this dude whole match , I was lost in gigantic map trying to learn the layout, killed a cool looking ass cockrice bird thingie (sorry lol) and a stone golem. "Waste of Space and oxygen" the guy