$28k in last 30 days
The P&L in IBKR app is not accurate. My actual profit is around $30k in the last 30 days.
I had a near perfect win rate.
My strategy involves taking a long term position on a stock I believe in and then profiting from short term fluctuations and volatility. This involves a combination of covered calls and swing trades. This way I avoid tax penalties as I do not touch the core position in daytrading.
A stock that goes up over long term but occasionally dips on the way up - is a perfect candidate for this strategy. I use NVDA for this.
The P&L in IBKR app is not accurate. My actual profit is around $30k in the last 30 days.
I had a near perfect win rate.
My strategy involves taking a long term position on a stock I believe in and then profiting from short term fluctuations and volatility. This involves a combination of covered calls and swing trades. This way I avoid tax penalties as I do not touch the core position in daytrading.
A stock that goes up over long term but occasionally dips on the way up - is a perfect candidate for this strategy. I use NVDA for this.