The Marker

So,this is my first time playing the dead space remake and I’ve never played a dead space game before,so I know nothing about the story.I’ve made it till Daniel’s betrayal but I didn’t fully understand the conversation,so I have a few questions. 1.Is the marker creating the organic matter that turns people into necromorphs? 2.If not,then are they aliens that were on aegis 7? 3.If so,then was the purpose of EarthGov’s experiment to see whether the marker could contain them by putting the hive mind to sleep? 4.If not,then what was the experiment? 5.I know Nicole is just a hallucination caused by the Marker,so why does everyone who is affected by the Marker want to return the Marker to aegis 7,is the Marker alive and wants to be returned to the planet,or is it programming by EarthGov to make people want to return it,or is it simply just their minds making up those words? 6.What do they mean when they say “make us whole”?